
Education Seminars

UCCI, in partnership with Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust (ICRMT), offers for both UCCI and ICRMT members three education sessions, each being held in three different locations of the state.  The topics and locations for any 2025 seminars are still in the planning stages, and when finalized the schedule for these sessions will be posted below.

From time to time, UCCI will also sponsor, in addition to the conference seminars listed on our Calendar of Events, Regional Seminars across the state to provide county officials with training and updates on topics such as the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act, Ethics Rules and Regulations, Robert’s Rules of Order and other hot-topic issues or legislative changes; as well as, County Board Chair and Vice Chair Training Seminars acquainting and updating attendees on the duties and responsibilities of the Chair/Vice Chair, Agenda Requirements, Boards and Commissions Duties and Responsibilities, and Internal Procedural Rules/Robert’s Rules of Order.  

Check back for information on 2025 events.

Listing of scheduled webinars/training programs available here.